Early intervention (also known as EI) is for infants and toddlers — birth to age 3 — with a developmental delay, disability, or a medical condition likely to result in a delay.

We believe that children learn best from people they are most familiar with, in places they are most comfortable with, and with things that they have consistent access to. Services are provided in the home or community and at times that are convenient for families.

We use a coaching model that allows providers and caregivers to share what is happening well with their child and what are the areas of concern to create a plan together. This allows us to work with families to meet their child’s developmental needs and make sure it’s centered around their individual routines.

All children in Early Intervention can receive services from a diverse group of providers at no cost to the family. The individuals available to work with your family are Developmental Specialists, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, and Speech-Language Therapists.

If your child’s team (including the family) determines there’s a need for other options, beyond core services your Service Coordinator through Lancaster-Fairfield Community Action will work with your family to obtain those services.

Learn more about Early Intervention in Ohio

Anyone can refer a child by calling our intake specialist at 740-681-4881, calling Central Coordination at 800-755-GROW (4769), or submitting an online referral form

You will need the child’s name, date of birth, address, parent’s name, and contact information. 

For more information contact
Jenna Trager, Early Intervention Supervisor
(740) 652-7225