Report an Incident

Help us keep our community safe. Report an MUI.

In the event of an emergency dial 911 for immediate attention.
We also have staff available 24 hours a day to assist.

To report an incident, abuse, or neglect:

Monday - Friday, 8:00a - 4:30pm

Call (740) 652-7220

We have staff on-hand, ready to take your call and handle it promptly.

After Hours


Call 211

Trained staff will discuss your concern and route to the appropriate person.
If you are outside of the immediate Fairfield County calling area, you can call 740.687.8255 to reach the on-call staff.
To report anonymously, call the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities Hotline at 1.866.313.6733.
A Major Unusual Incident (MUI) means the alleged, suspected, or actual occurrence of an incident when there is reason to believe that the health or welfare of an individual may be adversely affected, or an individual may be placed at a likely risk of harm, if such individual is receiving services through the developmental disabilities service delivery system or will be receiving such services as a result of the incident. There are three categories of major unusual incidents that correspond to three administrative investigation procedures.

Health and Safety Toolkit

The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities has a Health and Safety Toolkit on its website. The Toolkit includes information specifically grouped for families, providers, and county boards of developmental disabilities, and features helpful forms and fact sheets.

To access the Toolkit, click HERE.

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