Part of the Family

Dogs become part of the family, and for the Barber family, it is no different. When Ryan was younger, he didn’t like being very social and enjoyed spending time alone, but he always hoped for a dog. He wanted the companionship it would provide. Ryan’s mom, Linda, began the search, knowing it would help develop responsibility and independence as he cared for a pet.

While looking, Linda came across a dog named Cooper. He had been in a shelter for a while, and when deemed unadoptable, he was temporarily adopted at the Ross County Correctional Institute as part of the prison puppy training program. Handlers trained the puppy in obedience skills while also developing their own dog training, adaptability, and communication skills that will support their transition as they enter the workforce.

Ryan and Linda remember going to meet Cooper for the first time. Ryan was the first to see him as he came down the hall. Cooper was one year old at the time, and he immediately jumped onto Ryan, knocking him over and showering him with licks. Ryan could tell Cooper was so happy and excited to go home with them. He said it was the best early Christmas gift. 

Photo taken of the Barber Family at Hollywood Feed. From left to right: Mike, Linda, Cooper, Ryan.

Ryan describes Cooper as a “people person,” and anyone who meets him can tell he just loves them. Ryan and Cooper have built a strong bond, and he states Cooper is like a brother to him. Now that Ryan is living in an apartment with a roommate, Cooper stays at his family home and even though Ryan is working, going to the gym, and living on his own, he makes time to visit Cooper every day.

Nine years later, Cooper gives him the same loving, enthusiastic greeting every single day. They sit together, hang out, and watch TV—just like all good brothers do.