Racing Toward the Finish Line
Dusty has been around racing most of his life. He remembers going to watch his dad drive a late-model stock car at an early age. His interest in racing has continued to grow. Now, he is part of a crew of 3 who travel around the state racing in places such as Atomic Speedway in Chillicothe and Midway Speedway in Crooksville with the hopes of going as far as St. Louis next year. The weekends are spent at the track or preparing the car. Dirt track racing requires lots of upkeep before the next race. His favorite part of racing? Dusty just likes being around all the cars.

Dusty’s weekdays are busy too! Living in Lancaster but commuting to Columbus, Dusty works full time at the DSW Distribution Center near Port Columbus. He spends his day unloading goods from shipping containers but has been cross-trained in a variety of other roles within the warehouse. Dusty has made some good friends through his job, even one who goes to races with him. He has goals though. Dusty likes learning and trying new roles. He often lets his supervisor know that he wants to try new tasks. Dusty has worked at DSW for more than 6 years, but he may eventually want a change. He hopes to explore construction next.
Dusty’s hard work pays off. He is making payments on his own house and doing all the upkeep associated with it. Living alone has its perks. Dusty likes the chance to relax and has met some great neighbors. He also uses his paycheck for some fun. Dusty is a huge country music fan and enjoys going to concerts with friends to hear the performers live. When he isn’t at work, racing, or listening to music, you can find him talking about racing with his dad or friends. Together they talk about how to improve the race time, the car, or even his life.